The “Doer”
The Doer is the part of our mind that believes it is separate from our Higher
Power and other people/all of creation. It’s basically the “egoic” mind that thinks
it is responsible for everything, has to do everything, is alone and unsupported. It
thinks that it has to figure everything out, struggle and strive to “make things
happen” (i.e., meet goals) and solve problems. It’s stuck in the perpetual polarity
swings of either pushing something away (aversion) or grasping for something
The “Doer” keeps us in stress, struggle and strain and has a big impact on our
health (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual), on our relationships, on our
work/finances and self-expression. It keeps us depleted and impoverished.
The Doer is associated with splayed beta brainwave patterns (too much beta, not enough alpha and theta) – a mind that is constantly commenting, planning,
judging, going over to-do’s, worried, anxious, uneasy and tense.
Surrender and the "Allower"
Surrender is the inner act of letting go of the “Doer”. It is not bypassing our
emotions or thoughts or ignoring our vulnerability. It’s feeling and owning the
vulnerability of our emotions/thoughts and then surrendering them to the
“Allower” (the Neutral Mind part of ourselves that is not stuck in the polarity of
attachment and aversion).
When we surrender the inner reactions of the “Doer” to the “Allower”, this brings
loving detachment and neutrality and opens us up to our own wisdom, clarity and
Surrendering the “Doer” to the “Allower” is associated with slowing the
brainwaves down to alpha and theta (and, even, delta) and learning how to utilize
beta brainwaves in a healthy and balanced way with the other brainwaves.
Grace is the organic, organizing intelligence of the Universe. Grace teaches us to
“let go” and “get out of our own way”. We’re not in charge and we don’t have to
be. Grace is the invisible, yet powerful, force that comes into play when we
surrender the “Doer” to the “Allower”. The “Allower” is open and receptive to
Grace arranges the circumstances and solutions which we, in our limited, overthinking, over-active beta brainwaves, cannot. Grace totally supports us in every aspect of our lives, when we open to it by surrendering the “Doer” to the “Allower”. It comes to us in large quantities when our hearts are open.
We can’t change without Grace. Transformation occurs when we let
go/surrender and invite Grace to support us with our problems and our goals.
Training and developing our brainwaves and learning how to create cooperation
and balance between our different brainwave states allows Grace to enter our
lives and our work, providing just the right solutions to our problems and
fulfillment of the highest and best outcomes for us. © Copyright 2021 Mary C. Davis, ANAM TURAS. All rights reserved.