Mary C. Davis
Business & Inner Mastery Coach
Empowering Conscious Business Owners to Activate
Their Deepest Wisdom & Creativity for Success & Prosperity

Complimentary Sessions
Release what's holding you back from sharing your deepest gifts, expressing your greatest potential and truly prospering. Navigate your way forward with clarity, grace and ease and start actualizing your high-level vision for your work/business, by applying for one of the Complimentary Sessions below ($199 value).
Break Through Your Money Shadow & Thrive Session
This complimentary inner mastery session is for conscious leaders and business owners who want to express their brilliance and deepest gifts, manifest more financial abundance and freedom and stop limiting themselves and playing small.
In this session, we'll:
discover what your dream work vision is and your vision for financial abundance and freedom;

identify what hidden patterns, feelings and beliefs you're holding that are keeping you from moving forward and fulfilling this vision, limiting you and keeping you small;
create a plan to address these challenges, so you can break through these patterns and thrive;
determine the first inner mastery practice and "high impact" inspired action for you to take to shine and prosper; and
align your mindset and energy with success.
Launch Your Prosperous Business With Ease Session
This complimentary intuitive business strategy session is for new coaches, therapists or wellness professionals who want to launch their businesses and start creating income, with clear direction and ease, rather than confusion and overwhelm.
In this session, we'll:
discover what your dream work vision is for your new business;

identify what obstacles may be standing in the way of you launching your business without confusion and overwhelm;
create a plan to address these challenges, so you can move forward with clear direction and ease;
determine the first "high impact", inspired actions for you to take to launch your business and start creating income; and
align your mindset and energy with success.
Expand Your Prosperous Business With Ease Session
This complimentary intuitive business strategy session is for coaches, therapists or wellness professionals with existing businesses who want to increase their reach and impact, attract more committed clients consistently and create recurring and growing income, without overextending and burning out.
In this session, we'll:
discover what your dream work vision is for expanding your business and increasing your reach and impact;

identify what may be holding you back from taking your business/practice to the next level -- attracting more committed clients and serving more people;
create a plan to address these challenges, so you can increase your reach and impact and create recurring and growing income, without overextending and burning out;
determine the first "high impact", inspired actions for you to take to expand your business and prosperity; and
align your mindset and energy with success.
Success Through Peace & Inspiration Session
This complimentary inner mastery/deliberate creation session is for conscious leaders and business owners who want to solve problems and achieve goals with a relaxed, inspired mind, rather than a stressed, over-thinking one.
In this session, we'll:
discover what your dream work vision is or your vision for your business;

identify what mental and emotional patterns are limiting the way you approach problems and pursue your vision and goals;
create a plan to transform these patterns, develop inner clarity and focus and access your mind's full capacity for success;
determine the first inner mastery practice and "high impact" inspired action for you to take to become more creative and effective in your work and/or business; and
align your mindset and energy with success.
***These "no strings attached" sessions (valued at $199) are given freely as tithes from my heart to yours. However, these sessions are not "charity" or just another "freebie". I request that the value you get from your session you pass along by giving something of value to someone else (whether time, talent or treasure). Also, please consider gifting one these complimentary sessions to someone you know who could benefit from it. Let's live from prosperity consciousness and keep the circulation going!
I request that you fully honour these offerings. These sessions are only for those who:
will respect/value them;
are self responsible, and ready, able and willing to commit to growth and transformative changes in their lives, businesses and organizations;
will use the insights that come out of the session and prioritize time in their schedules to take inspired actions based on this wisdom; and
will show up with an open mind and heart, fully present, receptive and prepared for their session.
If you don't currently meet this criteria, please don't apply. ***
This offer is part of the Spread the Love and Prosperity Campaign. Read more about the Campaign here.
Apply for your complimentary session by clicking the "Apply for a Session" button below.